Kiosk only means the interactive computerized displays that you see in department stores, malls, movie theaters and airports. You will find that kiosks are being used in retail, food courts, lobby areas, and health clubs. The main purpose of the kiosk is to promote or advertise a company, product or service. There are many companies that offer kiosks with LCD monitors and touch screen technology to enhance a customer’s shopping experience. The kiosk displays are made up of computer software that allows it to respond to the motion of the customer by playing appropriate ads or displaying the company logo.
Kiosks are easy to install, which means that they are simple to operate. The store owner doesn’t have to hire employees or worry about hiring sales people or warehouse workers. In addition, kiosks are a cost-effective way to promote the store. If a person goes to the kiosk and doesn’t like the item, he can just delete it from his or her memory card and choose another unit. The store will not have to spend money on advertising if the product doesn’t sell. The kiosks also reduce inventory costs because there aren’t any more salespeople to handle replenishment of products.
Kiosks can be controlled from the store manager or store owner via a computer. The store manager can set up kiosks in a specific area of the store, and he or she can direct where customers should go while they are shopping. The displays are easy to use, so most customers learn to operate the computerized displays rather quickly. It takes a trained employee to supervise the kiosks because they are computerized, but it is a simple process to supervise them when there are several at a time. The long-term goal of kiosk display is to increase sales because of the increased customer convenience and the reduction in inventory costs.